Tender of European Union 18 Haziran 2020, 09:05
Tender procedure for “Organisation of Events” within projects CB005.2.21.063
and CB005.2.23.070
Tender procedure for “Organisation of Events” with in projects CB005.2.21.063 and CB005.2.23.070
Publication reference: 063 - 070 SERV– KTSO- 01
Keshan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is launching a service tender procedure for “Organisation of Events” with Ref. ? 063 - 070 SERV– KTSO- 01. The tender procedure is under the implementation of projects: Project CB005.2.21.063 “Cross- Thrace Connection" and Project CB005.2.23.070 “Regional Tourist Brand for Sustainable Tourism” .
The deadline for submission of tender is : 20.07.2020, 12:00 h (local time).
The tender dossier is available below:
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